W7s Vs W6s match ends 2 all!

As you probably know, our W6s and W7s teams train together and help each other when they need it.

Our W7s team is the gentle entry point for total beginners, players going back to hockey after a long pause and our Juniors moving into the Seniors League.

w7 01
W7s team

Our W6s - as you can imagine - is mostly made of former W7s moving up, most of which still hold a strong 7s bond.
W6s team

This year W6s and W7s compete in the same league, and it's never easy to play your mates!

Fearless of the weather, two of a total of four THD Teams allowed to play, both W6s and W7s had to wait until late morning to know whether the game was still on.

With a pitch still presenting few frozen spots, both team decided to play and enjoy their match, which ended up with a draw 2-2 with the game ending 10 minutes earlier because the pitch was becoming unsafe to play.
W7 player of the match go to both Cecily and Kitty, with special mention to Rosie and Millie.
W6s goals: Emily W. Sr and Rowan.
W7s goals: Lisa and Luciana 

W6s know what is fair play and below is the summary given by the W6s captain :'A really well fought match by the 7s who gave the 6s a run for their money.
Some great play on either side and wonderful to see each team really coming together well.'

W6s and W7s captains with umpires Tom Harris and Marilyn Walker
match 02
match 03
match 05